
Blind Reporting :: The truth of the Jena 6

Many of you may have heard of the story currently brewing in Jena, Louisiana. My friend Paul sent this to me as I have been following this case closely for awhile. I was deeply disturbed at what I heard. The Old South had reared its ugly racist again, I thought. But that doesn't seem to be the case...it seems the New Media likes to spin a story of racial injustice to sell more papers.

The Christian Science Monitor has an insightful and stinging commentary on the sad state of this story. Truth manipulated, lazy research and literally believing any story given to them. The author of this article LIVES in Jena has been reporting on it from the beginning. Please read this article and realize it is pertinent for us to remain educated as people and not simply informed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's remarkable, given how not long ago the media grossly mis-reported the Duke Lacross "rape" case; you'd think they'd want to check their facts. You gotta wonder how often things are overblown, and out right lies?