
Review :: August Rush

The movie intends to capture the story pitch of "What if Mozart was born today?". At the age of 8 years old Mozart had written his first symphony as if music inhabited his very being. "August Rush" tries to capture the same feelings in Freddie Highmore's depiction of Evan Taylor, the orphaned son of 2 musical prodigies who hears music in all things as if an audible voice calling him to action. Part fairy tale, part drama, and a lot of melodrama saturate this film. Moving at times and sometimes over the top with its character depictions such as Robin Williams' character 'The Wizard' (who reminded me of Rufio in "Hook" all grown up). The film goes for the heart strings relentlessly and without apology.

PS: a word to the director...please remember that you're shooting a drama and not "Bourne Supremacy". The constant movement of the camera from cranes and hand-held everything tried to make too many scenes seem overly important. Use camera movement to emphasize, not simply as a default.

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