
Catalyst Conference 2008 :: Jim Collins

• "If we only have GREAT businesses in our country we're only going to be prosperous. Greatness is not from the cards we're dealt...it's a choice and discipline." (Jim Collins, author 'Good to Great')

• "It takes time to get where you want to go...get the momentum going...turn the flywheel. Starbucks only had 5 stores in its first 13 years." (Jim Collins)

• "The great fall for most organizations is OVERREACHING. Seduced by our own success...hubris." (Jim Collins)

• "The right WHO = the right WHAT. The right WHO prepares you and your organization for everything you'll encounter, especially in turmoil." (Jim Collins)

• "Leaders of the 'Good to Great' organizations were HUMBLE. Humility defined by absolute passion for the misson and vision of the organization, not themselves. If it's about you...nothing truly great will happen." (Jim Collins)

• "Make your NOT TO DO list as robust as your TO DO list." (Jim Collins)

• "Every generation needs to develop its own practices to exemplify the values that cut across generations." (Jim Collins)

Here are 5 things Jim asked everyone to do when we get home:
1. How many key seats are on the bus for your organization? How can you get to 100%?
2. Build a personal board of directors...people who push, young people who would be in your face
3. Take intentional quiet time...nothing scheduled, no electronics
4. Ask questions versus statements
5. Ask yourself...are you ready to endure the pain to become a Level 5 leader?

• "Have an Annual top 3 to do and a top 3 not to do." (Jim Collins)

• "The moment you have to tightly manage someone, most likely you made a hiring mistake. The key is leading...not managing." (Jim Collins)

1 comment:

Brad Ruggles said...

I love Jim Collins' book Good to Great. I've been thinking a lot about his talk from Catalyst since we got back from Atlanta.

Having the RIGHT PEOPLE in the RIGHT SEATS on the bus is so key for organizations, but especially for churches.