
You want to hear about your life

Seth Godin has long been someone I have respected and followed. His keen insight into the marketing and the culture at large. One of his latest postings was provoking (as usual) but left me wondering about actual application. If my blog is about me then many will find it "boring" and "unrelatable" in many ways, at least that's what Godin says. But if I know nothing better than my life what should I write about.

This then makes me look to Four Corners and what we do. We share often from our personal experiences and stories because we know our stories best. But in sharing those do we alienate many in the audience who want "universal" appeal in the stories that they can apply? It seems like a tightrope to walk...sharing what we know and have experienced balanced with an appeal that moves the truths of the stories beyond one life to the masses.


Unknown said...

I think good stories, well told, are what draw -- whether about you or someone else. Look at Dooce.com; she always writes about herself, and has one of the (if not the) largest blog followings on the web. She does nothing but write about her life, its the fact that she's witty, revealing and engaging; not redundant, repetitive or disingenuous. Blogging is one of the harder things to do well -- much like writing a biography.

Ryan Hartsock said...

Great point Paul...good example.