I bought an iPhone 1.0 at Christmas and had dreams of possibly upgrading this summer to the new 2.0 version with its sweet new features but that won't be happening.
Why you ask? It happens to be that I will have to sign a
BRAND NEW 2-year contract regardless of how far into my
CURRENT 2-year contract I am. AT&T tells me this is so because the phone is a subsidized or discounted price. So I ask...can I simply upgrade by paying more for a new iPhone? Silly me, of course not...that's not an option.
Boo Apple...Boo AT&T!! The answer to increasing demand and sustainable loyalty to the iPhone is not to get your customers perpetually "enslaved" to you by signing new contracts any time they want to upgrade. Basically I would become a celluar share cropper...never really owning my phone completely. This is very frustrating for a very loyal Apple customer and supporter.