
Professors and Liberalism

A new study looks at the fact that most college professors are staunch liberals and the massive void of conservative academic voices. Here are 2 interesting points the study revealed:
  • The study found that in a variety of ways, conservative students were less interested than liberals in subject matter that often leads to doctoral degrees, and less interested in doing the kinds of things that professors spend their time doing.
  • Conservative students put a higher priority than liberal ones on raising a family. That does not always fit well with a career in academe, where people often delay childbearing until after they earn tenure.
Personally I find it staggering the void of varying voices in the academic world so many us have or will entrust our kids too. But this study talks more about the behavioral trends that lead to this sort of dissparity of opinions and world views on campuses. But maybe it's inevitable...as Churchill said, "Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains." (Thanks Galliblog for the links)

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