
7 Days to Stay Dead (and counting)

I have spent the better part of two and half years working on a TV short-run series. We have sweat, anguished and toiled over the idea many times sitting in our little room at Coffee Affair. Dave with his chocolate muffin and tea and me with my oversized latte followed by numerous pieces of gum…and in all this comes a tremendous sense of pride and accomplishment (in a good way, of course).

We have now moved into a far more serious and risky area of this project. It’s easy to keep writing when you can keep telling yourself one day someone will want this and it’s another thing when the idea is sitting on someone’s desk under their scruntious eye. That’s where we are now…the script sent to several people who could ultimely help move this project toward something more than living iniside our heads and in a small café.

I am always amazed at Dave’s (my writing partner and friend) tenacity and passion for the project. His hard work has been an amazing asset and I love so many of our times with ideas splashing on the walls.

So here’s to waiting and remaining hopeful to something often deemed overly-idealistic and naïve…to an idea moving toward reality.

FYI : if you want to catch a glimpse of the idea go HERE