
War and Peace

As I mentioned last post, the Iraqi War has become the litmus test of political loyalties in this country...you're with us or against us! I think the mistake both I and many other conservatives (and liberals too) have made is not considering the philosophical undertones of war. I can easily jump on a bandwagon and not look back.

My brother sent me an interesting speech from Martin Luther King Jr. about Vietnam. Take a few minutes and read what he had to say and think about today. For either political side...food for thought.

1 comment:

Luke said...

As Ryan's who forwarded him this speech :-) and as the first official member of the "Beautiful & Grotesque" Blog fan club, i will leave some thoughts i had about this speech that i sent to a revolutionary friend of mine (read his blog if you want for a VERY INSPIRING Battle with Cancer: http://www.donvalencia.com/)
MLK is one of my heroes and constantly challenges my white bread assumptions...

All in all this is a scathing commentary on American Engagement in Vietnam from a Speech by Martin Luther King Jr. in 1964.
But after reading it closely, and considering it's validation by
scripture, i was very touched by it in more ways than just about
Vietnam historically....
It made me rethink some of my sentiments around nationalism,
conservatism, and other virtues i was brought up with in parallel to
my relationship with Christ.
Not that i haven't considered these things over and over, i just think
that there is a one of the most eloquent representations and summaries
of this (non-violent, MLK, Ghandihan-type) perspective i have ever