
"Christians love..." (a loving epic list of quirkiness)

The Christian sub-culture in America is a very funny place beneath the surface and one man has set out to list many of the quirks and quizzical observations one can make. Don't miss reading this list...here's a sample:

#106 -- The Side Hug
I'm talking of course about a "full frontal hug," one of those sinful abominations where you just wrap your arms around a friend and embrace them. That's why Christians the world over have pioneered the "side hug." In the side hug there's no risk of two crotches touching. Instead of face to face, you go side to side, putting your arm around the person and your hip against their's. Still having a hard time mastering it? Pretend you're taking a photo and you're both looking at the camera together. The side hug, or A frame as it is also called, is safe for the whole family, friendly and above all holy. I don't know the exact scripture reference but try the book of Psalms.

#105 -- Wishing your testimony was more exciting
Have you ever met someone that seemed bored by their own testimony? While they are telling it you can see them thinking inside, "I wish this was more interesting." I know a couple like that. Whenever he tells his testimony people in the room start crying. And then they laugh and then they think and reflect on their own lives. His testimony is like a George Lucas epic adventure. And then when his wife tries to follow that she usually says something like this:

"I grew up in the church. I gave my life to Christ when I was 5 years old. I had a sip of a Zima alcoholic beverage in high school and felt really convicted. I rededicated my life to God."

It's a pretty dull story, but on some level being given a new life should never be deemed as "dull," regardless of the details. On some level, we should all be happy with our stories. And, I've never met someone that recovered from a horrible car accident, defying the odds to live again and heard them say, "Yeah, I mean my recovery is cool, it's nice that I am where I am, but I wish I could have been crippled for a little while. Not forever, but just long enough so that I had to learn to walk again and could have been more dramatic and sweaty and maybe been in a Garth Brooks video."

Read some more at Stuff Christians Love.

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