
"Excellence gets me paid."

My brother just sent me a great blog from Larry Winget about what he believes is one of the greatest lies people are believing these days...that passion gets you success.

"Excellence is what moves you to the top. And hard work doing the right things is what makes you excellent. To tell people that passion is the key to success does those folks a great disservice. Because somewhere down the road, they will discover that no one cares or shares their passion. They will find out that while they are passionate, they haven’t done the work to be really good, they know nothing about selling or marketing, leadership, management, finance, their competition, serving customers or all the other facets of a successful life or business. All they have is their passion. Try cashing that at the bank."

I have to agree in the end. I do have a large passion about my job but in the end my passion gets little done. Instead it provides the launching pad into the things that require hours and hours of hard work very few people see and appreciate. My passion is simply the beginning.

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